Wednesday 10 January 2018


So happy to see my kiddos today!
They sure had lots of stories to share! So cute!
Today we began the morning with gym class, snacks and morning circle time.
Then JKs met our new animal friend for the letter P. We learned a bit about penguins and brainstormed words which begins with the P sound.

Next, JKs formed the upper case and lower case p using playdough. Once they got that right they were challenged to form a short word.

After lunch and recess, we spent some time using manipulatives to make patterns. As we are starting a new unit in math and UOI (combined) I wanted to have a diagnostic of what students already know about patterns. This way I am able to work with each students strengths or/and areas to improve and learn.

Here are the big ideas in our unit on patterns:
Patterning is closely tied to sorting and classifying. As children classify objects, they tell how they are alike. Then they sort based on these attributes, such as colour, shape and size. Children can organize their objects into patterns based on these attributes (red, blue, red-blue, red-blue; tall-tall-short, tall-tall-short, tall-tall-short). Patterns are everywhere—in music, in art, in stories, and in nature. Patterns can be physical, visual, tactile or auditory. A pattern has a core that repeats. Children in kindergarten like to build and talk about AB patterns as well as more complex ones (AAB or ABC). Children should be exposed to patterns of various types and have opportunities to represent them in different ways (e.g., with people, with toys, with colours, with blocks, on the calendar). The ability to recognize a pattern helps children make sense of mathematics. They begin to “see” relationships and use these to predict what might happen next. 
After second lunch and recess we had centers.
Have a fantastic evening everyone!

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